Included In This Course!


    Professional hands on training videos to help you design your own flow for your class or as a push-and-play option for your class members to watch and teaching tool.


    A PDF Manual of the massage flow written out to use as a template to design your own or have a done-for-you printout for a community classroom training.


    FREE! Two Advanced Pain Management PPS Bodywork Technique Videos! One for the Rhomboid/Shoulder Blades and one for the Quadratus Lumborum/Low back


Amy Bradley Radford, BCTMB

With 30 years of experience teaching in community classes, massage schools, as a CE provider, and maintaining a hands on practice, Amy brings you the best skills and combined techniques to help you be successful with teaching others massage therapy.

Closing Strokes for Back Flow

Example Video Tutorial

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Align Basic Massage Techniques:

  2. 2
    • Align Basic Massage Flow

  3. 3
    • Warm up strokes for the back 11:04

    • Face down protocol for arm, shoulder and neck 5:39 minutes

    • Face down protocol for low back 3:25 minutes

    • Face down protocol for combining the arm, shoulder, neck and low back 7:11 minutes

    • Face down protocol for deeper back work using elbow 5:43 minutes

    • Closing Strokes for the Back 2:31 minutes

  4. 4
    • Face down draping for the thigh and leg 1:00 minute

    • Face down foot protocol 3:43 minutes

    • Face down opening stroke for calf, thigh and hip 1:13 minutes

    • Face down protocol for calf, thigh, and hip 11:09 minutes

    • Face down full protocol example on opposite side foot, leg and thigh (and hip) 9:47 minutes

  5. 5
    • Face up draping for leg and thigh 1:02 minutes

    • Face up opening stroke for foot and leg 2:39 minutes

    • Face up protocol for knee and thigh 4:41 minutes

    • Face up ending stroke for leg and thigh 1:07 minutes

    • Face up full protocol example on opposite side leg and thigh 5:00 minutes

  6. 6
    • Abdominal massage protocol (draping for women) 3:31 minutes

  7. 7
    • Face up full arm protocol 5:15 minutes

    • Face up full protocol example on opposite side arm 3:43 minutes

  8. 8
    • Face up pectoralis protocol (draping for women) 2:49 minutes

  9. 9
    • Face up full protocol for head and neck 9:18 minutes

    • Face up full protocol for face 2:06 minutes

  10. 10
    • Amy Bradley Radford

  11. 11
    • Rhomboid Trigger Point Release Technique

    • Quadratus Lumborum Release Technique

  12. 12
    • Run your business like a PRO!

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